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Poster Session Archives

CUDCP is dedicated to promoting the advancement of graduate education in Clinical Psychology that produces psychologists who are educated and trained to generate and integrate scientific and professional knowledge and skills as to further psychological science, the professional practice of psychology, and human welfare. In partnership with the North Texas Center of Excellence, this poster session augments the annual CUDCP MidWinter Meeting.

Doctoral students' intention to use assessments in their career: The incremental role of self‐reported competence

Doctoral students’ intention to use assessments in their career: The incremental role of self-reported competence

Becca K. Bergquist, M.A.1, Megan A. Keen, M.A., M.S.1, Paul B. Ingram, PhD.1, 2, Cole M. Morris, MA, MS 1, & Adam T. Schmidt
What Matters to Psychology Trainees When Making Decisions About Internship and Postdoctoral Training Sites: Differences Between Racial/Ethic Minorities and White VA Trainees

What Matters to Psychology Trainees When Making Decisions About Internship and Postdoctoral Training Sites: Differences Between Racial/Ethic Minorities and White VA Trainees

Zhen Hadassah Cheng, Daryl Fujii, Stephanie N. Wong, Darlene M. Davis, Christine M. Rosner, Jessica A. Chen, Jeffrey Bates, and Jamylah Jackson
Doctoral program “visit days”: Viewed as positive and beneficial by underrepresented prospective students and current doctoral students

Doctoral program “visit days”: Viewed as positive and beneficial by underrepresented prospective students and current doctoral students

Grassetti, S. N., Meehan, Z. M., Beveridge, R. M., Teachman, B. A., Stanton, A. G., Cooper, P. J., & Daniel, K. E. (2023). Evaluating the “visit day” tool for supporting underrepresented and/or marginalized students in applying to doctoral programs. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 17, 43-52.
How Do Psychology Ph.D. Programs Conduct Qualifying Examinations?

How Do Psychology Ph.D. Programs Conduct Qualifying Examinations?

Self, K.J., Kroke, P.C., Waters, A.J. , Goodie, J. 1, Bennion, L.D.
Virtual Interviews for Doctoral Psychology Internships: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Virtual Interviews for Doctoral Psychology Internships: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic 

Shona N. Vas, JolinB. Yamin, Robert L. Hatcher, W. Gregory Keilin, Jennifer L. Callahan, Kevin T. Larkin, Jeff Baker, Eugene J. D’Angelo, Allison N. PonceThe University of Chicago
Experiential Training of Mental Health Graduate Students in Emotional Processing Skills: A Randomized, Controlled Trial 

Experiential Training of Mental Health Graduate Students in Emotional Processing Skills: A Randomized, Controlled Trial 

Jolin B. Yamin, Ciara N. Cannoy, Katey M. Gibbins, Shoshana Krohner, Lisa J. Rapport, Christopher J. Trentacosta, Lori Lackman Zeman2, & Mark A. Lumley
Evaluating Training Needs in Clinical Psychology Doctoral Programs

Evaluating Training Needs in Clinical Psychology Doctoral Programs

Julia S. Yarrington, Catherine Montgomery, Keanan J. Joyner, Mary-Frances O’Connor, Kate Wolitzky-Taylor

Attitudes About Parenting and Family Planning Among Psychology Trainees and Mentors

Lila M. Pereira, David E. Oberleitner, Jason A. Cantone, Breanna L. Wilhelmi, Stevie N. Grassetti, Katie Dicola, and Sean C. Pereira

Career Enhancing Research Competencies Student Perceptions of Research Training in Clinical Psycology Doctoral Programs

Nicholas P. Seivert, Alexandra Wemtz, Loretta Hsueh, Kimberly S. Sain, Jason J. Washburn, Timothy A. Cavell

Deliberate Practice of Consultation Microskills An Exploratory Study of Training

Daniel S. Newman, Ph.D., Mary Kate Gerrard, M.Ed., Julia Villarreal, M.Ed., Hannah McIntire, M.Ed., Lauren Kaiser, Ph.D. and Courtenay Barredt, Ph.D.

Design and Implementation of a Clinical Science Speciality Clinic for people with Neurological Disorders and their Caregivers

Esther Howe, MA, Suzanne Shdo, MA, Matthew Elliott, MA, Alice Hua, PhD, Nadine Targ, PhD, Nina Dronkers, PhD, Robert Levenson, PhD

Effective and Accessible Telephone Based Psychotherapy and Supervision

Jenna Rowen, Grace Giedgowd, Danielle Baran, and Maame Y. Darkwa

Evaluating Mentoring Programs: An Example of the Society of Pediatric Psychology Mentoring Project

Christina M. Amaro, PhD, Amy E. Noser, PhD, Emma E. Rogers, MS, Joanna Patten, PsyD, Sharon Berry, PhD, ABPP, and Michael C. Roberts, PhD, ABPP

Examining the Impact of Covid 19 on Supervisees Experiences of Clinical Supervision

Sepideh S. Soheilian, Tiffany O 'Shaughnessy, Jenna S. Lehmann, and Melissa Rivero

Health Service Psychology Doctoral Training During the Early Stage of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Jennifer Boland, Erica Szkody, Katharine Daniel, Pankhuri Aggarwal, Edward Selby, Amy Peterman, Jason Washburn
Perceived Barriers to Seeking Mental Health Treatment Among Clinical Psychology Graduate Students

Perceived Barriers to Seeking Mental Health Treatment Among Clinical Psychology Graduate Students

Alexandra B. Klein, Nora M. Bames Horowitz, Ivy Tran, Ana Rabasco, Ellen H. Steele and Rosanna Breaux

Preferences for and Acceptability of Telessupervision among Health Service Psychology Trainees

Sarah M. Thompson, PhD, Danielle Keenan-Miller, PhD and Members of the APTC Research Committee

Sport Psychology Training in APA Accredited Counseling Psychology Programs

J. Andy Walsh, Trent A. Tetrie, Macey Arnold, Carmyn Hayes and Dalton L. Mack

Supervisor Experiences with Clinical Telessupervison during Covid-19

Sepideh S. Soheilian, Tiffany O 'Shaughnessy, Jenna S. Lehmann, and Melissa Rivero

The EPPP: An Examination of Criterion Validity

Samantha Saldana, MS, Jennifer L. Callahan, PhD, ABPP and Randall J. Cox, PhD

Deep-Structure Curriculum Liberation for Social Responsiveness in Graduate Health Service Psychology Training

A. Jordan Wright, Norissa J. Williams, Tamara Starling, Amy Reynolds, and Barbara Garcia-Lavin

Impact of Therapist Personal Characteristics and Technique Usage on Alliance and Depth

Christy Jarrard, M.S., Sabina Widner, Ph.D., Aaron Johnson, Ph.D., Michelle Stein, Ph.D., Hana Perkey, M.S., & Jenelle Slavin-Mulford, Ph.D.

Deliberate Practice in Anti-Racist Psychology

Joel Jin, PhD, Melissa-Ann Lagunas, MS, Madi Foster, MS, Elizabeth Mateer, MS, Emi Ichimura, MS, Cory Duffield, MS, & Trevor Taone, MS

Making the Leap to Socially Responsive Research Training in Health Service Psychology

Irene Tung, Katharine E. Daniel, Mark A. Lumley, Prerna G. Arora, Timothy A. Cavell, Alex L. Pieterse, Leihua Edstrom, Linda G. McWhorter, Ana J. Bridges, David Rollock, Marie L. Miville, Blanka Angyal, and Mary A. Fernandes

Training and Educating Antiracist Psychologists: What Are We Doing And Where Do We Go From Here

Stevie N. Grassetti, José Soto, Ana Julia Bridges,  Deborah J. Bell, & Trokon Macauley

Diversifying Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology: A Change Gonna Come

Donte L. Bernard, Ashly L. Gaskin-Wasson, Shawn C.T. Jones, Daniel B Lee, Aaron J. Neal, Effua E. Sosoo, Henry A. Willis & Enrique W. Neblett

Addressing Female Trainee Experiences of Sexual Harassment and Discrimination in a Veterans Affairs Mental Health Service

Megan M. Kelly, Erin D. Reilly, Tracy Claudio, J. Irene Harris, Shehzad Jooma, Madeleine Karpel, Paula J. Mroz, Lisa Mueller, & Valene A. Whittaker

Invisible Wounds: Testimony of Microaggressions From the Experiences of Clinicians of Color in Training

J. M. González Vera, M. M. Domenech Rodríguez, C. M. Navarro Flores, A. L. Vázquez, G. Miguel, M. Phan, E. G. Wong, K. Klimczak, J. Bera, L. A. Papa, J. Estrada

Integrating Public Health Core Values Into Psychology Training Competencies

Co-Authors: Zabin S. Patel, Kaitlyn E. Brodar, Emily Hylton, Tiffany R. Glynn, and Sannisha K. Dale

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