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Using Simulation in Clinical Psychology: Improving Skill Competency and Student Confidence through Embodied Learning

Principal Investigator(s): PIs: Jennifer Fugate & Nichmarie Soto Bonilla (Kansas City University) and co-PI, Sheila Macrine (University of MA – Dartmouth)

Teaching Disaster Mental Health Using Simulation Education: Application of Military Field Training to Civilian Emergency and Humanitarian Aide

Principal Investigator(s): Ryan R. Landoll, Jeff Goodie, Patrice Shanahan, Brent Donmoyer, Abby Diehl, & Doug Taylor (Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences)

Buscando Detrás de María: Bicultural Gender Roles Among U.S. Latina Women

Student Investigator(s): Melissa Briones (University of North Texas)


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