Student Investigator(s): Alex Ayala (University of North Texas)
Continue readingUnderstanding Psychosocial and Immigration-related Factors Affecting Sleep Health among Hispanic/Latinx/a/o Immigrants
Student Investigator(s): Isamar Almeida (University of North Texas)
Continue readingAssociation of Sleep Patterns in Youth Aged 5-18 with Parent/Caregiver’s Sleep Literacy
Student Investigator(s): Emily Feldman (University of North Texas)
Continue readingImproving Behavioral Health of Underserved Groups
Student Investigator(s): Isamar Almeida (University of North Texas)
Continue readingA Study On The Outcomes of Discrimination
Student Investigator(s): Lizzie Griffith & Ruth King (University of North Texas)
Continue readingEquine-Assisted Positively Fit: A Family-Based Obesity Intervention for Rural Youth
Student Investigator(s): Tristen Hefner (Texas Tech University)
Continue readingThe Relationship Between Suspiciousness and Social Determinants of Health in U.S. Hispanic and African American Participants
Student Investigator(s): Tom Bart (University of North Texas)
Continue readingRelationship between Family and Culture Scales and Psychopathology Investigated Through Measurement Invariance
Student Investigator(s): Charlie Su (University of North Texas)
Continue readingDenied Substance Use in Forensic Evaluations: Development of the PAI Substance Abuse Minimization (SAM) Scale
Student Investigator(s): Minqi Pan (University of North Texas)
Continue readingReducing health disparities for LGBTQ+ people of color
Principal Investigator(s): Kiet Huynh (University of North Texas)
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